VR Visualizer vs Offline Showroom for Home Improvement

VR Visualizer vs Offline Showroom for Home Improvement

May 03, 2023

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Planning and executing home improvement projects can be ridiculous, and if it’s your first time, you may find yourself dipped in frustration. What can be the reason behind this frustration? 

Well, there can be many, such as lack of knowledge, inaccurate measurements/calculations, confusion while making choices, and so on. Also, nobody wants delays when it comes to remodeling a home. 

You may not believe it for the very first time, but let us tell you this - if you use the right technology, you can actually save a lot of money and fuss. 

Today, we’re going to introduce and explain two ways to make choosing your home improvements happen: Offline showroom visits and Virtual Reality (VR) visualization. This comparison may sound futuristic, but today, many field experts and even normal non-tech folks are reaping the benefits of VR, and that’s why it’s vital to explain both sides of the coin. 

Today's discussion is about VR Visualizer vs. Offline Showroom for Home Improvement, and we’ll be figuring out what suits you better for you.

What Is a VR Visualizer and Offline Showroom?

We bet you were eager to know about this one!

Today, even low-level construction projects are taking advantage of technologies like "VR visualizer" and "offline showroom" to solve a lot of doubts.

But what do these terms mean?

If we use plain language, then a VR Visualizer is a virtual reality-based tool using which you can view potential home designs and interior ensembles without any sort of real-life changes being made to the space. It plays the role of bridging the gap between imagination and reality. 

It offers more realistic visuals when you compare it to traditional technology. You can expect an immersive 3D experience and explore things to a greater depth.


What if we say you can have a crystal clear view and feel of furnishings and flooring before even buying or installing a thing? Won’t that fill you with confidence in terms of decision-making? 

On the other side, it’s easy to figure out what an Offline Showroom can be like just by reading its name. Yes, it’s the showroom you visit physically to buy stuff, nothing fancy or modern. 

In such physical spots, you can decide after getting hands-on experience with materials and furniture pieces for your home decor.

If you’re the one who prefer seeing textures and colors and enjoying a real-life feel, then it’s a better choice for you to pay a physical visit and get an up-close experience of real-life products.

None of these is more or less powerful than one another, and it all boils down to your personal preference. However, if you ask for a slight hint, then we’d claim VR Visualizers are more modern and logical solutions.

The Advantages of Using a VR Visualizer

Now, if you’re standing on the verge of carrying forward your home improvement project, then there are a couple of ways to get things rolling: virtual reality (VR) visualizers or in-person showroom visits.

Undoubtedly, home improvement demands some major investments, and no one entertains any act of losing money on the wrong product or task. Not just confidence but perfection is also a must. 

The Advantages of Using a VR Visualizer

A VR visualizer becomes a great savior here and helps you avoid blunders. How? Well, you can actually visualize how a product will look in your home.

Now, let’s understand how you can be advantageous by using a VR visualizer for your next home improvement task:

Convenience at its best

Today, shopping for home improvement products has become much easier than it used to be a few years back, thanks to VR visualizers. Today, you’re able to enjoy layers and layers of convenience as you’re no longer bound to leave your house and travel to a physical showroom.

If you’re up with a smartphone and an internet connection, you’re actually good to go! You just need to perform a few clicks like a videogame to cherish products that would look in the space you’re planning to renovate.

Save Time and Money

You don't have to leave your house or travel to a physical showroom; all you need is a smartphone and an internet connection. With one simple click, you can see how products would look in the space you're looking to improve. So don’t bother running around town trying to find suitable pieces, and that’s how you can call VR visualizers a better shopping choice.

Get Creative and Enjoy it More

As mentioned before, home improvement tasks can be frustrating often, but VR actually adds fun to the process, and you actually start enjoying it. A big reason is that you can test out your creativity. 

When you use VR, it actually becomes a playground for you to match and contrast various sizes, colors, and styles of products (for example, tiles) and check out what impact your combination has on the aesthetics of your place.

Today, you can even come across VR apps that offer features like precise measurements and  3D views. So, you can ensure precision and, in the end, attain a perfect feel and look (something you’re dreaming of right now).

The Disadvantages of Using a VR Visualizer

Yes, you can expect some disadvantages too, but don’t worry, as these disadvantages aren’t that big. 

So, if you’re deciding on whether to choose VR for your next home improvement task or not, then you better get things clear by reading these disadvantages of VR:

Cost: (not for the user)

Yes, there’s a cost involved. However, if you’re an end user, you don’t need to bother about cost at all. The cost is on the business owner’s side. This means that suppose you’re planning to buy tiles, and you pick up a retailer who does have a real-life visualizer technology to help you out, you aren’t actually paying a penny to use it.

Limited sampling

Well, not always. See, there are a variety of visualizer tools out there, each constructed and configured in a different way. Some of these are so filled with data, options, and features that you can actually spend your whole day experimenting with designs and all.

On the other hand, there are a few low-level visualizers who come with just a handful of in-built options. Hence, such tools aren’t as comprehensive as a traditional showroom.

Maintenance: (not for the user)

If any business related to home improvement products wants to offer their customers the luxury of VR, then besides the upfront cost, they also need to manage the maintenance cost. After all, it is a technical product, and even small glitches can create clutter. However, there’s absolutely no cost for the end user. 

So, if we honestly compare VR visualization’s pros and cons, then it isn’t tough to figure out that the pros easily overthrow the cons. And on top of all, the end user is hardly facing any issues. 

What Is an Offline Showroom?

Are you wondering what exactly an offline showroom is all about and in what ways it can be a better choice for a few home improvement projects? An offline showroom is nothing but a physical place where you can visit as a customer and get a real-world idea of whatever you’re planning to buy.

What Is an Offline Showroom?

You, as a customer, can freely touch, feel, and inspect various products without pulling out your wallet. As everything is real in the case of a physical showroom, you have a very exact idea of what you’re buying and check the product, whatever number of times you like, before making any commitment.

Offline showrooms offer several advantages over online retail, which we’ve listed below:

  • You can ask questions directly to the staff and get detailed demonstrations of how products work.
  • Experienced staff members are present over there. So, you can ask for assistance while choosing any product, or at minimum, gaining knowledge about it. And human help is, most of the time, better than robotic help.
  • Checking and recognizing any potential incompatibilities with existing products in your home is possible. This may include the texture of the tiles, the shine of furniture, or the charisma of any home decor. 
  • If you are present in the showroom physically, you can check any product’s quality and craftsmanship from a real close. This helps you understand whether what you’re planning to buy is value for money or not.
  • The last benefit here is the availability of customer service. If something goes against you after buying any product, you can directly ping the showroom representatives via chat or call and enjoy assistance.

Advantages of the Offline Showroom Experience

We already know that we humans always seek comfort; it is in our psychology. VR technology is interesting, no doubt about that, but there are a few benefits that you certainly can’t reap from the comfort of your home. Let’s discuss the points that compel you to leave the comfort of your home and travel to a physical showroom:

Advantages of the Offline Showroom Experience

Immediate Feedback

Devices have different screens with different color and contrast variations. Hence, you may find yourself stunned when viewing the same product on two different screens, and the view is pretty different. 

Does that impact selling? Undoubtedly, yes!

Let’s understand it like this: suppose you’re looking for light Orange color tiles. You cherished something closer to your requirement on a screen and finalized buying it. However, when you receive the thing, the color isn’t the same as it was visible on the screen. 

Yes, screen composition may sometimes play a trick, and it depends upon the device on which you’re viewing the product.

On the flip side, when you visit a showroom, you actually check the product in person, and that’s why you will be more confident about the color and texture of the products.

Discover New Ideas

By visiting the showroom, it’s possible to discover unique ideas or products that you can’t find online. There are professionals present in the showroom who assist you in matching various pieces or giving ideas on your home improvement project that didn’t hit your mind. 

Disadvantages of the Offline Showroom Experience

As we discussed up there, both the VR Visualizer and the offline showroom come with their own set of benefits and faults. 

With an offline showroom, we discussed that you get hands-on experience with various products and materials, but there are some drawbacks that you should consider.

Space Limitations

Offline showrooms often have limited space. Hence, you may not enjoy the full range of product offerings available to you. Now, in case you're trying to decide between multiple products or styles, it can be a somewhat bummer for you.

Time Required

You can ask yourself a question - What is going to be more time-consuming, using a virtual design assistant or tool or visiting an offline showroom physically? Yeah, you’ve got your answer! Keep in mind, when you talk about visiting a showroom, you need to consider time spent in transportation.

Also, it may happen that you fail to find the product you planned in the showroom, so you may need to visit some other showroom. This is, again, an investment of time. 

Cost Involved

You cannot ignore the transportation charges when you visit showrooms physically. Also, the cost of a few extras may get involved, for example, let's say, installation of tools, etc. Now, if you’re an office worker, you may have to either pull out time from your precious weekend or accept the salary deduction of a normal working day.  

Tilesview tiles visualizer

If you’re planning to choose the perfect tiles for your home improvement project, then trust us; it does include a lot of complications, too. However, tilesview’s tiles visualizer makes your job much easier. Check these points:

A 3D Visualization of Your Space

The main job of the VR Visualizer is to help you see exactly how your room is gonna appear after the installation of your selected tiles.

It will be possible for you to grasp the colors, textures, types, and sizes of all the tiles without heading to any physical showroom. This 3D view is very realistic.

Customizable Design Options

Do you want to check tiles of various colors or sizes? Do you want to check out what color will suit the best in your room best? What if we say you can check out more than 15 variations in just a minute?

Yeah, playing around with the design will be not just easy but highly enjoyable. You also get the convenience of many pre-built libraries if there’s some confusion in your mind.

Affordable Prices

If you compare all VR Visualizers available out there right now in terms of value for money, then the one from TilesView stands out from the rest.

Showrooms have to pay a very small amount per month for integrating and activating the Tilesview tiles visualizer. Most importantly, the user does not need to pay a penny to use it!

You don't have to pay for living expenses or any extra transportation associated with visiting a showroom – all done from your home’s comfort! 


We’re sure these pros and cons helped you in deciding on whether to go for Offline Showrooms or Virtual Reality Visualizers for your next home improvement requirement. 

VR Visualizer offers an immersive and highly personalized experience for customers, and most importantly, all of that happens from the comfort of home only. Purchasing becomes very easy when you already know all about your requirements.

A few of you may like to stick to the traditional approach of cherishing the product in real life before buying it. They should go with the option of physically visiting the showroom.